
From KDE Community Wiki

Improving the Bundle Creator in Krita


The primary format to share resources in Krita is a Resource Bundle, which is a compressed file containing all the resources together. It also contains some other information like metadata and a manifest so Krita can check there’s no errors in the file.

Krita’s Bundle Creator allows one to create their own bundle from the resources of their choice. The project aims to improve the user interface of the current Bundle Creator, and allow the ability to edit bundles (which is currently not supported in Krita).


Blog Posts

The list of all the blog posts for GSoC'23 has been listed here.

Merge Request

The merge request for this project can be viewed here.


Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6


IRC: Srirupa Datta ( KDE identity: srirupa Email: [[email protected]] Krita Artists: Srirupa_Datta GitHub: Github