Elisa is a simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users.
- being very easy to setup (ideally, the user would not setup anything before being able to use it) ;
- being fully usable offline (or in privacy mode) ;
- being open to leverage online services but not a development priority (the experience should not be degraded when you are offline) ;
- being usable in Plasma Workspace (MPRIS2, Baloo, ...) but also on other environments (Windows, Android, ...) ;
- being intuitive to use (I definitely need help here) ;
- being focused on music player (managing your music collection is not a development priority). This means that my project is not a direct fulfillment for people needing that ;
- being as much as possible bug free (meaning stability has higher priority than feature development) ;
- targets Linux Plasma Workspace, other Linux desktop environments, Android and Windows ;
- being able to leverage UPnP ContentDirectory and MediaRenderer in an easy and intuitive way.
Design Open Questions
The design of Elisa currently leaves open questions about the direction. At least the following points need an identified solution that could be implemented:
- Implement User Centered Design to help guide the development ;
- trying to combine an interface to be used with the mouse and with the touchscreen commonly found on laptops ;
- how to decide what is done by single click, double click or single long click.
Current Interface
The following snapshots show the current interface. They are only indicative and everything is open for improvements.