Parent: KDE on OpenSolaris
When installing one of the latest development builds of KDE4 on OpenSolaris (2009.06), there's a number of changes to do to make the use of the desktop more convenient. Some of the suggested changes are below.
This page also lists some yet unresolved and highly visible problems with no workaround.
Font anti-aliasing
Is disabled in a fresh installation. Execute gnome-appearance-properties
and select some better option in Fonts.
Akonadi seems misconfigured
After login an akonadi error window is shown. You can get rid of the errors by calling
kwriteconfig --file kres-migratorrc --group Migration --key Enabled --type bool false
although a patch would be better.
Missing Reboot and Shutdown
Tracked as 186198. A simple workaround is available. This is also tracked in OpenSolaris as 1166.
Broken screen lock
Tracked as 184465. xlock can be used as a workaround. It could also be convenient to undefine the Ctrl+Alt+L shortcut and use System Settings -> Input Actions
to redefine this shortcut to xlock.
Colission with SUNWvboxguest
When built and/or executed in a VirtualBox instance, there's a collision with the SUNWvboxguest package (VirtualBox guest additions). While building, this results in following sort of build error in FOSSqt:
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
XDamageDestroy /usr/lib/
XDamageCreate /usr/lib/
XDamageQueryExtension /usr/lib/
XDamageQueryVersion /usr/lib/
When using succesfully built packages in VirtualBox the KDE session startup fails.
This needs to be resolved in the build system.
System Activity dialog is empty
Tracked as 200646. Pressing the default shortcut Ctrl-Esc or running ksysguard should display a list of running processes. This dialog is empty.
Dolphin crashes
Dolphin crashes when run both from command line and menu
Several games crash
/opt/kde4/bin/bomber /opt/kde4/bin/bovo /opt/kde4/bin/kblocks /opt/kde4/bin/kbreakout
Some edu apps crash
/opt/kde4/bin/geodatatest /opt/kde4/bin/marble
krunner crashes
akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder crashes