Special:Badtitle/NS90:Talk:Kdenlive/UI Review/Thoughts on "For newbies: common habits of any software"
Things I absolutely second and agree with: (1) Renaming the Render widget to "Export" or something similar and cleaning up the "Export" widget itself to focus solely on render settings. (2) Direct send/upload to YouTube or Vimeo. (Hey, why not? More built-in features can't hurt! :) ) (3) Merge Effect Stack & Transition settings. (GREAT idea. Naming the widget something unambiguous in one or two words might be an interesting challenge. Modifier? FX Settings? Modify FX? Just brainstorming, here.) (4) Workflow: find a more intuitive way to add transitons (similar workflow to effects) -- another great idea! Maybe make a "Transitions" widget almost identical to the Effects widget, but with all the transition actions? I say that because the effects widget does its job, and does it well. (5) Reorganize effects categories -- would be super helpful! (6) Maybe by default separate audio from video tracks -- another great idea. I can't necessarily see how this could be a bad thing; people would still have the option to change it; it would just be enabled by default.
Great ideas, guys!