KDE GB is any KDE contributor in Britain.
- Jonathan Riddell
- Kenny Duffus
- Anne Wilson
- David Jarvie
- George Goldberg
- John Layt
- Paul Adams
- Stuart Jarvis
...add yourself here
KDE GB list http://lists.quaker.eu.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-gb
Currently none, in the past we have attended exhibitions and conferences but those seem to have dried up. A 4.4 release party was held in Glasgow in April 2010.
Legal Status
We are an unincorporated society with a constitution http://lists.quaker.eu.org/pipermail/kde-gb/2006-October/000047.html and a bank account at Bank of Scotland run by Jonathan Riddell
If KDE e.V. supporting member scheme becomes popular with UK taxpayers we should consider becoming a charity to claim back the Gift Aid