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Revision as of 16:14, 15 March 2012 by Terietor (talk | contribs) (→‎Task 6)
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Task 1

Problem 1

Plasmate's editor doesn't support actions.(Like undo/redo,etc)

Solution 1

Make plasmate support those.

Expected time: approximately 1 week


Task 2

Problem 2

There is no way to install remotely a plasmoid package


Create a remote installer, so that you can push a button which copies your plasmoid package onto a device running Plasma (Active) and runs it, so you can try it on a touch screen. That could be done with scp, for example.

Expected time: 2/3 weeks

Priority: 2

Task 3

Problem 3

If the user is using plasmate there is no way to see the output of print/console.log


Add a console in plasmate which will contain the output from the debugger like plasmoidviewer.

Expected time: 2 weeks


Task 4

Problem 4

KConfigXT editor isn't finished. There is still some code which has to be written.

Solution 4

Finish the KConfigXT editor and also make it available as a standalone application. All of our debugging tools shouldn't force our developers to use plasmate.

Expected time: approximately 2/3 weeks


Task 5

Problem 5

There is no plasma tool for us to open our svg images add see the available layers. Since we want to offer a nice sdk our users should be able to browse our svgs easier.

Solution 5

Sreich's svgviewer solves the half of the problem(thank you Sreich) the other half(there is no way to see the available layers of each svg). I will implement this option.

Expected time: approximately one week


Task 6

Problem 6

Plasmate and plasmoidviewer have duplicate code. Also plasma-previewer(the plasmate's code for plasmoid debugging) has menus which plasmate doesn't.

Solution 6

Replace plasma-previewer's code with plasmoidviewer's and add all the functionality of plasma-previewers to plasmoidviewer. Also a side note here both plasma components for desktop and for active live with the same names. So in order to use the plasma components for active the developer has to change an environment variable. Plasmoidviewer should provide an option for that (I will add this option).

Expected time: Approximately one week

Priority: pre-last one(6)

Task 7

Problem 7

Right now plasmate doesn't support all the debugging tools which we offer. Those debugging tools live under kde-workspace/plasma/generic/tools.

Solution 7

  • Move all the debugging tools from kde-workspace/plasma/generic/tools and kde-runtime/plasma/tools into plasmate's repository(maybe we should rename the repository to Plasma SDK)
  • make plasmate use those tools.

our debugging tools will still live as standalone applications and also us plasmate's plugins. Some of our devs doesn't like plasmate and we shouldn't force them to use it. So having our debugging tools both as standalone application and as plasmate's plugins solves the issue. Regarding the build system I can add the debugging tools and plasmate as option in order not to force some developer to build the entire repository.

Expected time: Approximately one week

Priority: this is the last one(7)