KDE Games/API cleanup
libkdegames v5 is the new iteration of libkdegames which is intended to ship with KDE Development Platform 5 (though it may also happen earlier, e.g. 4.9). The aim for this new iteration of the library is to remove most of the API that is obsolete, unused or in a state of bad quality, in order to improve maintainability and relevance of the remaining API. Also, QtWidgets-specific parts need to be separated to prepare for QML-based games.
The fine print: The SO version for libkdegames v5 is actually 6.
List of components
libkdegames consists of multiple (possibly interdependent) components, as defined by this list. The "Dependencies" column records only dependencies to other libkdegames components. See the table below for which file belongs to which component.
Component | Short desc. | Dependencies | Current maintainer |
base | Macros and API-less behavior. | - | |
highscore | Highscore recording and GUI. | - | |
kchat | Chat widget. | - | |
kgame | General game framework. | kchat | |
kgamecanvas | Alternative to QGraphicsView. | kgamerenderer (integration) | |
kgamerenderer | Rendering of theme graphics. | theming | Stefan Majewsky |
kggz | Network-enabled multiplayer. | - | |
misc/clock | Game clock (second accuracy). | - | |
misc/difficulty | Track difficulty level. | - | |
misc/grid2d | Coordinate calculations on 2D grids. | - | |
misc/lcd | Enhanced QLCDNumber. | - | |
misc/popupitem | Message popup for QGraphicsView. | - | |
misc/progress | A very old progress bar. | - | |
misc/randomname | Function to generate a random name. | - | |
misc/standardactions | Standard KActions for games. | - | |
misc/svgdigits | Digits rendered from SVG. | - | |
misc/svgdocument | Transform SVG elements. | - | |
theming | Management of SVG themes. | - |
List of files
Source file | Belongs to component |
cardcache.cpp/h/ph | carddecks |
carddeckinfo.cpp/h/ph | carddecks |
chooserastergraphicssystem.cpp | base |
colorproxy_p.cpp/h | kgamerenderer |
digits/kgamesvgdigits.cpp/h | misc/svgdigits |
highscore/kexthighscore.cpp/h | highscore |
highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp/h | highscore |
highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp/h | highscore |
highscore/kexthighscore_item.cpp/h | highscore |
highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp/h | highscore |
highscore/khighscore.cpp/h | highscore |
highscore/kscoredialog.cpp/h | highscore |
kcarddialog.cpp/h | carddecks |
kchatbase.cpp/h | kchat |
kchatbaseitemdelegate.cpp/h | kchat |
kchatbasemodel.cpp/h | kchat |
kchat.cpp/h | kchat |
kchatdialog.cpp/h | kchat |
kgamecanvas.cpp/h | kgamecanvas |
kgameclock.cpp/h | misc/clock |
kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/dialogs/kgamedialog.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/dialogs/kgameerrordialog.cpp/h | kgame |
kgamedifficulty.cpp/h | misc/difficulty |
kgame/kgamechat.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgame.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgameerror.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgameio.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgamemessage.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgamenetwork.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgameprocess.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgamepropertyarray.h | kgame |
kgame/kgameproperty.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgamesequence.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kgameversion.h | kgame |
kgame/kmessageclient.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kmessageio.cpp/h | kgame |
kgame/kmessageserver.cpp/h/ph | kgame |
kgame/kplayer.cpp/h | kgame |
kgamelcd.cpp/h | misc/lcd |
kgamemisc.cpp/h | misc/randomname |
kgamepopupitem.cpp/h | misc/popupitem |
kgameprogress.cpp/h | misc/progress |
kgamerendereditem.cpp/h | kgamerenderer |
kgamerenderedobjectitem.cpp/h | kgamerenderer |
kgamerendererclient.cpp/h | kgamerenderer |
kgamerenderer.cpp/h/ph | kgamerenderer |
kgamesvgdocument.cpp/h/ph | misc/svgdocument |
kgametheme.cpp/h | theming |
kgamethemeselector.cpp/h | theming |
kggzgames/kggzgames_export.h | kggz |
kggzgames/kggzrankingsdialog.cpp/h | kggz |
kggzgames/kggzseatsdialog.cpp/h | kggz |
kggzmod/event.cpp/h | kggz |
kggzmod/kggzmod_export.h | kggz |
kggzmod/misc_private.h | kggz |
kggzmod/module.cpp/h/ph | kggz |
kggzmod/player.cpp/h/ph | kggz |
kggzmod/request.cpp/h | kggz |
kggzmod/statistics.cpp/h/ph | kggz |
kggznet/kggznet_export.h | kggz |
kggznet/kggzpacket.cpp/h | kggz |
kggznet/kggzraw.cpp/h | kggz |
kgrid2d.h | misc/grid2d |
kstandardgameaction.cpp/h | misc/standardactions |
libkdegames_export.h | base |
tests/kgamepopupitemtest.cpp/h | misc/popupitem |
tests/kgamepropertytest.cpp/h | kgame |
tests/kgamesvgdigitstest.cpp/h | misc/svgdigits |
tests/kgamesvgdocumenttest.cpp/h | misc/svgdocument |
includes/KCardCache | carddecks |
includes/KCardDeckInfo | carddecks |
includes/KCardDialog | carddecks |
includes/KChat | kchat |
includes/KChatBase | kchat |
includes/KChatBaseItemDelegate | kchat |
includes/KChatDialog | kchat |
includes/KExtHighscore | highscore |
includes/KGameCanvas | kgamecanvas |
includes/KGameClock | misc/clock |
includes/KGameDifficulty | misc/difficulty |
includes/KGame/KGame | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameChat | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameConnectDialog | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameDebugDialog | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameDialog | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameDialogConfig | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameError | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameErrorDialog | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameIO | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameMessage | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameNetwork | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameProcess | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameProperty | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGamePropertyArray | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGamePropertyHandler | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameSequence | kgame |
includes/KGame/KGameVersion | kgame |
includes/KGame/KMessageClient | kgame |
includes/KGame/KMessageIO | kgame |
includes/KGame/KMessageServer | kgame |
includes/KGame/KPlayer | kgame |
includes/KGameLCD | misc/lcd |
includes/KGameMisc | misc/randomname |
includes/KGamePopupItem | misc/popupitem |
includes/KGameProgress | misc/progress |
includes/KGameRenderedItem | kgamerenderer |
includes/KGameRenderedObjectItem | kgamerenderer |
includes/KGameRenderer | kgamerenderer |
includes/KGameRendererClient | kgamerenderer |
includes/KGameSvgDigits | misc/svgdigits |
includes/KGameSvgDocument | misc/svgdocument |
includes/KGameTheme | theming |
includes/KGameThemeSelector | theming |
includes/KGGZRankingsDialog | kggz |
includes/KGGZSeatsDialog | kggz |
includes/KGrid2D | misc/grid2d |
includes/KHighscore | highscore |
includes/KScoreDialog | highscore |
includes/KStandardGameAction | misc/standardactions |