< Plasma | Components
- Move the private elements in private/ (terietor)
- finish the python based parser (kokeroulis)
- set up online infrastructure to automatically run it
- Document component by component
Components status
- BusyIndicator.qml
- Button.qml: ok
- ButtonColumn.qml: ok
- ButtonRow.qml: ok
- CheckBox.qml: missing
- CommonDialog.qml: missing
- ContextMenu.qml: missing
- Dialog.qml: missing
- Highlight.qml: missing (not sure if it should exist)
- Label.qml: missing
- ListItem.qml: missing
- Page.qml: ok
- PageStack.qml: ok
- ProgressBar.qml
- PushButton.qml
- RadioButton.qml
- ScrollBar.qml
- SectionScroller.qml
- SelectionDialog.qml
- Slider.qml
- Switch.qml
- TabBar.qml
- TabButton.qml
- TabGroup.qml
- TextArea.qml
- TextField.qml
- ToolBar.qml
- ToolBarLayout.qml
- ToolButton.qml