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Revision as of 09:04, 24 July 2011 by Earthwings (talk | contribs)
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Thousands of people use Marble on the Nokia N900 to find their way and explore the world. Become their voice! Record your voice speaking a handful of turn instructions like Bear left! and send them to us. All contributions will be made available for download.


Please note that certain prerequisites must be fulfilled by all contributions. In particular

  • You need hardware equipment like a microphone to record voice samples
  • You must be the copyright holder of all audio files (voice samples) you send in
  • You must license all audio files (voice samples) CC BY-SA 3.0


The table below lists important dates during the contest.

Date Description
2011-06-15 The voice contest starts.
2011-07-20 Upload deadline (extended).
2011-07-25 Winner announcement.
2011-07-27 Marble 1.2 ships with the winning voice.


Interested in participating? Please follow these steps:

  1. Choose one or more languages you want to record audio files in. Prepare translations of the commands for languages other than english. See Translations for details.
  2. Record all 64 voice samples and store them as .ogg files. See Recording for details.
  3. Upload your voice. See Upload for details.


Found a problem? Need some help? Don't be shy, give us a call. Write a mail to marble-devel@kde.org or talk to us in IRC (#marble in freenode).