Introduction by Kalle
Present (at some point)
- Alessandro (Nokia)
- Bernard (Plainpage)
- Bogdan
- Chuck (Nokia)
- Daniel (Nokia)
- Donald (Nokia)
- Espen (Cutehack)
- Janne (Digia)
- Juha (Futurize)
- Jørgen (Nokia)
- Kalle (Nokia)
- Kristian (Tarent)
- Maurice (Nokia)
- Marius (Cutehacks)
- Mika (Digia)
- Ray
- Ricardo (Electrobit)
- Robert (Tarent)
- Thiago (Nokia)
- Thomas (Nokia)
Discussion points (categories)
- Upstreaming
- Feature completeness
- Android versions
- Other
Todo-list (needed before beta)
BogDan listed items that needs to be completed before the Beta release. The affect binary compatibility for the C++/Java interfaces.
We then went through the list to find a volunteer that is interested to take responsibility for making sure the item is fixed.
Qt Framework
- android asset support (deployment) - Bogdan
- opengl - Thomas
- style plugin - Alessandro
- android menues integration - Marius
- classes (affects the java part)
- desktop-service - Bogdan
- system-tray icon - Bogdan
- qatomic implementations (hot topic)
- arm instruction set compatability - Bernhard
- compile all platform at once (qmake issue) - Alessandro
Qt Creator
- app deployment
- publish button - Espen
Qt Mobility
- start from scratch
- needs planning - Ricardo
- multimedia (problematic)
- addressbook is working on platform 7 and up
- nfc - Mika
Qt Webkit
- switched to 2.1.6
- 2.5x times faster than Qt's
- 2 times slower than Google's - Espen
- javascript is making it slower
- consumes lots of memory
- Multi language support - Christian
- Clean up the code - Robert
- Network detection / download resumtion - Robert
- java interface (activity, java main) - Robert
- Status
- Linux ok
- Windows is not quite update
- make clean doesn't work
- MacOS is great
- gdb is faster
- build script takes a looong time
- ndk and sdk are included in the package
- build sdk - Ray
- thumb2 gdb issues - Ray
- qmake / configure on windows (mkspec) - Ray
- Building from commandline - Bernhard
- CMAKE - Bernhard
- Gesture support - Thomas
- Fontdialog / filedialog etc. (down prioritized)
- Font bug - Espen
- Upstreaming
- Qt - Marius
- Qt Creator - Espen