< KDEEdu
Parley Practice NG 23rd attempt
Work on the parley practice happens in a branch here:
svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/parley-practice/
Multiple Choice
- Unset the selected choice after an answer (radio button)
- Showing the "I knew it"/"Did not know it" below the other radios looks bad
- Hint needs to be implemented in a sane way (now it shows the solution directly)
All Practice Modes
- Grading - how do we give grades, how do words advance? Especially when combining modes (doing FlashCard, MC and Written all in one go)
- no show solution button - not sure if it's needed - it is a bit irritating to press continue and not knowing if it will show the solution or not (it will)
- Needs detailed list of mistakes made in written, maybe other modes
- On the first (tab?) show the edit and (configure?) practice buttons, it is half empty anyway
Qt 4.6 seems to have introduces some changes with respect to delegates - pressing enter or tab goes to the cell below instead of next cell. Editing seems generally a bit hard with the table at the moment.
- New rows are appended when pressing enter in the row above the last one, not in the last one - another Qt 4.6 regression