Upgrade Your KDE neon install to Noble 24.04 base.
Make sure that you have your important data backed up before attempting an upgrade!
While we are testing the upgrade you will need to edit the distro release meta data path here:
sudo nano /etc/update-manager/meta-release
qdbus org.kde.kded6 /org/kde/DistroReleaseNotifier org.kde.DistroReleaseNotifier.Poll
1) Update your system using Plasma Discover
2) Log out and log back in again
3) You will be notified of a new release
4) Review the release notes from Ubuntu
If you have any additional repositories enabled you will get a message similar to this. Click close and you can re-enable the repositories after the upgrade if needed
6) You now get to choose to start the upgrade
7) Have a cup of tea while it downloads and installs the upgrade
7.5) Click Keep
to keep the upgrade file settings.