Upgrade Your KDE neon install to Noble 24.04 base.
Make sure that you have your important data backed up before attempting an upgrade!
sudo nano /etc/update-manager/meta-release
qdbus org.kde.kded6 /org/kde/DistroReleaseNotifier org.kde.DistroReleaseNotifier.Poll
1) Update your system using Plasma Discover
2) Log out and log back in again
3) You will be notified of a new release
4) Review the release notes from Ubuntu
If you have any additional repositories enabled you will get a message similar to this. Click close and you can re-enable the repositories after the upgrade if needed
6) You now get to choose to start the upgrade
7) Have a cup of tea while it downloads and installs the upgrade
7.5) Click Keep
to keep the upgrade file settings.