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Akademy/Handbook/Program committee

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 10:32, 3 April 2024 by Kieryn (talk | contribs) (How the Programming Committee will evaluate talks submissions for 2024)


We want an interesting, inspiring and useful program for Akademy. The program committee is tasked with putting the program together.


  • 5 to 10 people for the program committee
  • program committee facilitator to move the process along and support the committee in putting together the schedule

Talks Evaluation Criteria (2024)

Relevance to KDE

  • Is this talk related to KDE work or something more generic/external?

Interest to KDE

  • On internal projects, weigh "importance" to KDE, e.g. rating a talk regarding porting Frameworks to Qt6 higher than a random plasma widget.
  • If an external topic is in question, is this something that our community would be interested in?


  • Are they known? Do they have interesting insights to share? Can they give a good talk?
  • Does our potential lineup reflect the diversity of the KDE community?


  • If we have submissions on similar topics, there's an option to suggest a merge of talks (and we can ask submitters to work together on one or do a panel)
  • If there are many submissions on the same topic, try to solicit talks on different topics or focus (i.e. if there's a lot of technical talks, solicit some related to organizing/planning/achievements).

Additional info

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