< Yocto
KDE Yocto Demo Setup for FOSDEM 2024
This page provides the basic information about the demo setup that is available at the KDE stall at FOSDEM 2024.
What can I see there?
- a Raspberry-Pi5 development board
- a OLED HDR touch screen
- a Plasma mobile Yocto image with KDE Frameworks / Plasma / Applications in RC-2 version of the Qt6 Megarelease
What is this demo setup about to present?
- show the state of the Yocto meta-layers: read mere at https://community.kde.org/Yocto
- give a feeling about how Plasma Mobile feels on an embedded non-phone device
- give a sneak-peak into Plasma 6
- give an example of how such embedded boards can be used
- Why is the demo not on RISC-V hardware?
- Because for no RISC-V board (at least to those we have access) the GPU driver is stable enough to handle a Wayland compositor together with complex QtQuick applications; on VisionFive-2 there are apparent GPU-CPU race conditions that very fast lead to severe artifacts that are no fun for a demo
- Why is this running Yocto master?
- Because the RPi5 device support (just merged some days ago) only booted with Yocto master
Details: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/raspberry-pi-5.html#introduction
Most important facts:
- Quad Arm Cortex-A76 @ 2.4GHz
- VideoCore VII graphics, with OpenGL-ES 3.1, Vulkan 1.2
- running Yocto Master (Poky & meta-openembedded)
- meta-raspberrypi latest master version that just got RPi5 support merged.
meta-kde https://invent.kde.org/packaging/yocto-meta-kde e47b78900c4b8b81c0ecfe762a886fc322c493b4 meta-kde-demo https://invent.kde.org/packaging/yocto-meta-kde-demo eb58bf1b83d1e3084bd7eca116dbabcc615db941 meta-kf6 https://invent.kde.org/packaging/yocto-meta-kf6 26e6c2c0fb49618248ed32c6216ec4cf70bcfe43 meta-openembedded git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded b2324264191f9910cf9748f31f73ab89ec45240b meta-qt6 https://code.qt.io/yocto/meta-qt6 8f36575a9ae9f6d3edceafcaf33e7e8b017a346d meta-raspberrypi https://github.com/agherzan/meta-raspberrypi.git fe7592fe9c40637afe56182114fda5f4242ceb29 poky git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky 61182659c212db24e52cdbcdbb043c7b0de86094
Demo Troubleshooting
- for constant display output, open the drop-down settings menu and activate "caffeine"
Additional Material