Elisa is a simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users.
- being very easy to setup (ideally, the user would not setup anything before being able to use it) ;
- being fully usable offline (or in privacy mode) ;
- being open to leverage online services but not a development priority (the experience should not be degraded when you are offline) ;
- being usable in Plasma Workspace (MPRIS2, Baloo, ...) but also on other environments (Windows, Android, ...) ;
- being intuitive to use (I definitely need help here) ;
- being focused on music player (managing your music collection is not a development priority). This means that my project is not a direct fulfillment for people needing that ;
- being as much as possible bug free (meaning stability has higher priority than feature development) ;
- being able to leverage UPnP ContentDirectory and MediaRenderer in an easy and intuitive way.