At the end of every day everybody should take some minutes to write what she or he has done or learned this day at the Randa Meetings. Just some words or a sentence or a link to his or her blog post ;-).
Sunday, 12th of June
Lays Rodrigues
Worked in Umbrello(GSoC) - Make UI's files to dialogs to better manage/organize the widgets
Group or person
One sentence of what you've done
Monday, 13th of June
Group or person
One sentence of what you've done
Tuesday, 14th of June
Group or person
One sentence of what you've done
Wednesday, 15th of June
Group or person
One sentence of what you've done
Thursday, 16th of June
Group or person
One sentence of what you've done
Friday, 17th of June
Group or person
One sentence of what you've done
Saturday, 18th of June
Group or person
One sentence of what you've done