KDE Visual Design Group/KirigamiHIG/NavigationPatterns/List
(TODO: Image)
When to use
Use a list to present a set of elements which are best presented in a textual manner (e.g. a list of emails).
How to use it
- Sort list items the way they make most sense for the user. For example, chronologically or alphabetically
- If a list is populated from an online source, use the "Pull to refresh" feature that allows users to update it simply by pulling it down beyond the first (i.e. newest) list item
- If you want actions to be available directly on a list item, use the Slide to Reveal pattern
- Use a ListView within a Page or ScrollablePage (if the list can contain more items than fit on the screen) to implement this pattern
- Set supportsRefreshing: true on the ScrollablePage to allow "Pull to refresh"