Applications/14.12 Release Notes

From KDE Community Wiki

New tarballs:

* libkface
* kdeedu-data
* libkeduvocdocument

KF5 based tarballs:

* kate
* konsole
* gwenview
* analitza
* kalgebra
* kanagram
* khangman
* kig
* parley
* kapptemplate
* okteta
* libkeduvocdocument

Not part of this release

* kdelibs, kdepim, kdepimlibs, kdepim-runtime, kde-workspace
       are in LTS. Will come back as simultaneous releases for non beta releases
* baloo, baloo-widgets, kfilemetada, nepomuk-core, nepomuk-widgets, smokegen, smokeqt, smokekde, qyoto,
   kimono, pykde4, qtruby, korundum, perlqt, perlkde, kross-interpreters, kdeplasma-addons
       are Done. Use them from 4.14

Dolphin needs:

* kdelibs4 Konsole part
* kdelibs4 kactivities lib
* kdelibs4 Baloo
* kdelibs4 Baloo-Widgets
* kdelibs4 KFileMetaData

gwenview baloo backend is not compiled by default

* Does baloo backend compile at all? I think Vishesh said it needs post Plasma5.1 baloo
* Doesn't use kdcraw since there's no KF5 version yet
* Doesn't compile on Ubuntu Vivid due to faulty packaging of phonon4qt5
* Needs KF5.4

kde-l10n packages need some improvements:

* install analitza_qt as a proper Qt translation
* sr package is broken for kf5 apps
* kde-l10n-de kde-l10n-it kde-l10n-nl kde-l10n-sv kde-l10n-uk
       Don't build do a bug on how i build the mixed tarballs


* coninstallable file wise with analitza from 4.14 for apps that need analitza based in kdelibs4 (cantor)
       But only one "devel" package can be installed since both install cmake files to two valid
       different places, otherwise cantor finds KF5 analitza and gets confused.
       Will ping Aleix to see if we can get it fixed for next Beta

kfilemetada 4.14 and Plasma5.1 are coinstallable

kdeedu-data and libkdeedu have icons conflict

* Fixed for Beta 2

Konsole 4.14 vs 14.12:

* bin/konsole
* bin/konsoleprofile
* share/doc/HTML/en/konsole/index.cache.bz2
* share/doc/HTML/en/konsole/index.docbook
* share/doc/HTML/en/konsole/draganddrop-contextmenu.png
# [Packager suggestion] Decide which binary you want, split the parts

KActivities 4.13 vs KF5:

* bin/kactivitymanagerd
# [Packager suggestion] Split daemon vs lib

Baloo 4.14 vs Plasma5.1:

* polkit-1/actions/org.kde.baloo.filewatch.policy
* bin/baloo_file
* bin/baloo_file_cleaner
* bin/baloo_file_extractor
* bin/baloosearch
* bin/balooshow
* bin/balooctl
* share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.kde.baloo.file.indexer.xml
* share/dbus-1/system-services/org.kde.baloo.filewatch.service
* etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.baloo.filewatch.conf
* share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/baloo.png
# [Packager suggestion] Split binaries vs lib

Okteta 4.14 vs 14.12:

* share/doc/HTML/en/okteta/index.cache.bz2
* share/doc/HTML/en/okteta/index.docbook
* share/config.kcfg/structviewpreferences.kcfg
* bin/
* share/mime/packages/okteta.xml
* bin/okteta
* share/appdata/okteta.appdata.xml
* share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/okteta.png
* share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/okteta.png
* share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/okteta.png
# [Packager suggestion] Split binary vs libraries (KDevelop needs okteta)

Kate 4.14 vs 14.12:

* bin/kate
* bin/kwrite
* share/config/katerc
* share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/kate.svgz
* share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/kate.png
* share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kate.png
* share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/kate.png
* share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kate.png
* share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kate.png
* share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/kate.png
* share/config/ktexteditor_codesnippets_core.knsrc
* share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/sql-field-pk.png
* share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/sql-field.png
* share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/sql-field-red.png
* share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/sql-table.png
* share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/sql-view.png
* And moooooooore
# [Packager suggestion] Split binary and parts (various uses of kdelibs4 based part)

l10n packages contain all the lastest 4.x based translations even if not released + KF5 based apps

 kdeplasma-addons may conflict with kdeplasma-addons5 translations, you'll have to split
 it but wanted to make the translations easily available