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Events/Akademy/2010/Friday/Games with Gluon

From KDE Community Wiki

Over the course of the day a number of activities are planned, designed to further Gluon - both as a community and as a technology.

Requirements: No knowledge of Gluon is required before joining this BoF - anything you need to know will be provided on site. The only thing you need is an interest in computer games.

09:30 - Breakfast

Firstly, of course, we meet up at 0930 and share a little breakfast on site (continental style). The objective of this is to get to know each other, so the rest can progress nicely. You can still take part in the getting-to-know-each-other if you don't want the food ;)

This will be taken care of for you at no cost, but it does require you sign up for it (just send an email to admin@leinir.dk saying you would like to have breakfast at the Gluon BoF, and there will be breakfast for you when you arrive).

10:00 - Game Design

Bring your own design for a game with 2D graphics, or brain storm there! This is an idea generation session, which is designed to help us all get used to thinking in terms of games (the 2D aspect is to keep a bit of focus).

Depending on the number of people who sign up for this BoF, we may split up into a number of smaller groups of no more than 6 people - experience tells us that this is really the maximum number of people who can construct something sane in direct cooperation.

12:30 - Lunch

Lunch - together or alone, this is the scheduled lunch time. This is not provided, and you will have to figure something out for yourself - but experience has shown that a BoF which lunches together stays together ;)

14:00 - Introduction to Gluon Creator

This is specifically set here to not pollute the ideas created in the game design session. This session will introduce you to how one uses Gluon Creator to construct games. This information does not overlap with the presentation on Sunday, which is designed to introduce Gluon as a community, so just because you plan to attend this BoF does not mean that the talk is duplicate information ;)

14:30 - What's Missing?

The final scheduled session of the day is a design session in which the aim is to work out what Gluon is missing to be used for real game construction, as well as work out how to build those missing bits. This is not a coding session, but rather a design session. Again we will split up if it turns out we are enough people for that.

18:00 - Official end...

As this is the scheduled time for the next session to begin, this must be our scheduled end time. It is also a good time to go out and have some dinner, and in the same spirit as lunch, the arrangers suggest we do this together.

Thank you for your attention! And remember to sign up if you want breakfast ;) admin@leinir.dk is the mail to send to.