Plasma/libplasma2/API Review/Theme
Properties and invokables
All removed, only declared in the subclass in the QML bindings
Status | Action | Method |
DONE | Keep | explicit Theme(QObject *parent ) |
DONE | Keep | explicit Theme(const QString &themeName, QObject *parent ); |
DONE | Keep | ~Theme();
Status | Action | Method | |
DONE | Keep | ColorRole | |
TO DO | Remove | FontRole | <{{{3}}}>
Status | Action | Method | |
TO DO | Remove | {{{2}}} | <{{{3}}}> |
TO DO | Remove | QFont font(FontRole role) const; | <{{{3}}}> |
TO DO | Remove | QFontMetrics fontMetrics() const; | <{{{3}}}>
Other methods
Status | Action | Method |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep | |
DONE | Keep |