Qt AT-SPI 2 Bridge
This is about the Qt AT-SPI 2 bridge. The bridge is a Qt Accessibility plugin that exposes the internals of a Qt application to interested accessibility clients such as screenreaders.
AT-SPI on D-Bus at Linuxfoundation
The source code for the bridge can be found here: Qt AT-SPI on gitorious
With the Gnome efforts to implement AT-SPI 2 we have some really helpful tools:
Accerciser accerciser manual
Orca Orca Debugging
You need a very recent environment, most notably: pyatspi2, at-spi2-core and at-spi2-atk
Inside a Gnome session the a11y uses a dedicated d-bus. So if you want to monitor what is going on, you should use:
dbus-monitor --address `xprop -root | grep AT_SPI_BUS | sed -e 's/.*= "//' | sed -e 's/"$//'`