KTp/Components/Accounts KCM Hack Day

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Revision as of 22:11, 6 January 2011 by D ed (talk | contribs) (→‎Tasks)


The goal of today is to try and do as much crazy hacking on the Accounts setup in KDE Telepathy in a day. There are lots of other areas in KDE telepathy, but today is ideally going to be centralised on one thing in order to be more productive.

Just shout out in #kde-telepathy that you want to help, and we'll see what tasks suit you best.

Who's helping

If you want to help out, put your name on this list and tell us what you're main skills are:

  • David Edmundson: Knows C++/Qt/Telepathy-Qt4 quite well.
  • Jeffery MacEachern: Knows C++/Qt, learning KDE API.
  • Some guy called INIT64 from Reddit - basic C/C++

Getting Setup

The following will get you set up enough in order to hack on just the system settings part of KDE telepathy:

Dave - stop being lazy and put some clear working instructions here

To get setup with the rest of KDE Telepathy please see:



A list of tasks are available here: http://community.kde.org/index.php?title=Real-Time_Communication_and_Collaboration/Components/Accounts_KCM_Tasks


launch with "kcmshell4 kcm_telepathy_accounts" this will show you all the debug output as it runs.

One of the easiest ways to verify it all worked ok is simply to install empathy (the gnome IM client) all accounts created in the KDE telepathy setup should appear and work here.

If you have succesfully tested configuring an account and had it logged in successfully, please record that here.


Install the plasma applet + dataengine listed in the Getting Setup link. Note we don't have a working contact list right now, so it's going to be hard to really test anything.