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KDE e.V./Minutes

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Revision as of 07:02, 23 June 2017 by Rauch (talk | contribs) (additions)
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Quick Guide to Official Minute Writing

The official minutes need to be in German. They may, however, be written in English and translated into German. In both cases accuracy is key. In particular with regards to votes on motions and elections.

Mention every item on the original agenda as sent out to the mailing list, as well as which actions were taken (if any). For items that contained no vote but simple reporting of what has been going on the past year, short summaries of interesting points and/or comments/questions are nice to have.

Look at past reports for guidance.


  • Write down where and when the assembly took place
  • Take note of the start time
  • Note amount of members present (+proxies)
  • Formalities:
    • It is important to note in the beginning that the invitation to the AGM was sent out in time and that there are enough people (votes) there for a quorum.
    • Please note the vote for a chairperson
  • Take note of beginning and end of a lunch break
  • After a lunch break re-establish the number of members present
  • Take note of additional members joining after the assembly has already begun (i.e. tardy members)
  • When the vote for the relief of the board is held, it is important to note that the board is abstaining from the vote.
  • For each and every vote:
    • note what the vote was exactly about
    • record the actual nays and abstentions
    • record if people were absent for the vote (i.e. outside the room for whatever reason)
  • For elections, it additionally needs to be established that the elected people accept their election
  • Take note of the end time

Post processing:

  • Spell checking of course
  • Send to kde-ev-board@kde.org for review
  • Minutes writer and assembly chair both need to sign the minutes. With the place and date.