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Revision as of 15:14, 23 October 2010 by ComputerDruid (talk | contribs) (spellcheck corrections)

Writing rules for the conversion from svn to git requires you to download the whole svn repository. The size of that is 65GB. This is a problem for a lot of our developers. Hence we have setup 3 servers which can be used for the rule writing.

The 3 servers are identical in setup. Every registered KDE developers has access to all 3 servers with the keys you have setup on identity.kde.org.

This document assumes you are familiar with the rule writing. A good document to learn more about that can be found at http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MoveToGit/UsingSvn2Git

Info about the servers


 Dual core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 248, 4GB internal memory
 ssh git@huey.kde.org


 Hexa core, 6GB internal memory
 ssh git@dewey.kde.org


 Quad core, 512MB internal memory (can be expanded as we need it)
 ssh git@dewey.kde.org -p22308


  • You share the account with all developers, for example don't install your favorite .vimrc as that affects all developers.
  • Don't run any applications because you want to. IRC Bouncers for example.
  • Use it for the rule writing. Everything else is wrong.
  • Create a folder named after your identity.kde.org username and only work in there.
  • We have made agreements about all this with the donors. If you violate the intended usage, we risk losing the machine.

The setup

  • svn-all-fast-export is installed into the distro and is from Oct 18th. If a bug is fixed and you need it, drop sysadmin a note and we will start the sequence to update it. Example usage:
 svn-all-fast-export --identity-map /home/gitmaster/kde-ruleset/account-map --rules /home/gitmaster/kde-ruleset/soprano-rules /home/gitmaster/svn/

  • the svn repo can be queried in the gitmaster home directory. For example:
svn log -v --stop-on-copy file:///home/gitmaster/svn/trunk/extragear/utils/rsibreak 

(please note that there is no physical file on the disk located at /home/gitmaster/svn/trunk/extragear/utils/rsibreak, svn automatically recognizes it is a repository).

  • the svn repo is updated every 4 hours.
  • if you need rules, you can find them in: /home/gitmaster/kde-ruleset, this is read-only, so copy them over to your personal folder and work on them. When done, scp your personal folder to your own computer and commit to git from there.
  • the rules are updated every 4 hours.


  • You can scp your personal folder to your computer with the following command executed from your own computer:
 scp -P 22308 -r git@dewey.kde.org:username folder-from-dewey
 -P 22308 is only needed for dewey, otherwise leave it out
 replace 'username' with your svn username (the folder you created on the server)
 replace 'folder-from-dewey' with folder name you like on your computer.
  • You can also scp your personal folder from your computer to the server with the following command executed from your own computer:
 scp -P 22308 -r folder-to-dewey git@dewey.kde.org:username
 -P 22308 is only needed for dewey, otherwise leave it out
 replace 'username' with your svn username (the folder you created on the server)
 replace 'folder-to-dewey' with folder name you have on your computer.