KDE Games/Tagaro
Tagaro is the top secret codename for my redesign of libkdegames.
- deprecate unmaintained frameworks like KExtHighscore
- create tools that allow KDE games to scale to new form factors
- use new and state-of-the-art Qt and KDE technology to its full extent
- What does the name mean?
- Tagaro is an oceanic deity which is said to have created mankind in a game of bowling. A perfect fit for a library which allows you to create games.
- Is its feature set/API/ABI stable?
- No way. Work has just begun, and we're by far not done desigining and implementing everything.
- When will it be ready?
- Even earlier if you help out. :-) But seriously, I hope to get first parts into the 4.7 release.
Library layout