KDE PIM/Meetings/PIM Spring 2014 meeting
Mark Gaiser
Custom QML component for day/week events
QML is currently not suitable for making events in a day or week view. It simply doesn't have the flexibility to represent events like that. I'm going to create a whole new C++ component - probably based on the Layout components - to represent exactly that. It should be flexible enough to:
- represent a day view
- represent a month view
PIM and Frameworks splitting
stub. We probably want to discuss this.
Optimizing imap header parsing
Minimal required people. Mark Gaiser and Dan Vratil. Different parts in Akonadi seem to be parsing the same mail header data. We want to aim to reduce that to just one parse, but that requires some discussion to to decide on what we need to improve.
Benchmark and profile mail indexing
At this point we don't quite know where mail indexing performs at it's best and where it could use improvements. We should benchmark this, get a clear picture and resolve possible hotspots.
Missing bodies fetch in IMAP resource
We need to find a way how to either get rid of this completely or to optimize it so that we don't have to run it on every collection sync.
Kolab, stable branches and Munich
I'd like to give a short overview about what Kolab is up to in the near future, some things we are planning to improve to cater some usecases better and how we intend to work with a stable branch of Kontact. This can also be used for a Q&A session if you have questions regarding the work of Kolab Systems on Kontact.
Meeting Notes
During this sprint you can choose to join the us in an apartment or to go for a hotel room.
e.V. paid apartment
The apartment (you can find some information about it here ) paid by KDE e.V. All you have to do is registering your attendance on the sprint page and check the "Needs accommodation?" field. Aleix Pol will then make the final reservation one month before the sprint starts on Feb. 28th. A big thanks to him for taking care of that.
If you don't like the apartment for whatever reason then you can obviously search for an Hotel somewhere close. You can start here. Anything around Rocafort station should be close enough.