< Marble

Thousands of people use Marble on the Nokia N900 to find their way and explore the world. Become their voice! Record your voice speaking a handful of turn instructions like Bear left! and send them to us. With a bit of luck you're chosen to be the voice of Marble: Your voice becomes the default speaker in Marble's next version 1.2.
Please note that certain prerequisites must be fulfilled by all contributions. In particular
- You need hardware equipment like a microphone to record voice samples
- You must be the copyright holder of all audio files (voice samples) you send in
- You must license all audio files (voice samples) CC BY-SA 3.0

The table below lists important dates during the contest. It's best to prepare your contribution early to avoid any time problems towards the deadline -- quality recordings take their time.
Date | Description |
2011-06-15 | The voice contest starts. |
2011-07-20 | Upload deadline (extended). |
2011-07-25 | Winner announcement. |
2011-07-27 | Marble 1.2 ships with the winning voice. |
Interested in participating? Please follow these steps:
- Choose one or more languages you want to record audio files in. Prepare translations of the commands for languages other than english. See Translations for details.
- Record all 64 voice samples and store them as .ogg files. See Recording for details.
- Upload your voice in time for the upload deadline (cf. timeline above). See Upload for details.