KTp/Getting Set Up

From KDE Community Wiki

These instructions assume that you already know how to build KDE stuff from source. It just provides a list of what you need to checkout and build, and how to run it.


You will also need to install several cross-desktop Telepathy components. Packages of the following from your distribution should do fine.

  • telepathy-mission-control-5
  • telepathy-gabble (for Jabber support)
  • other Telepathy connection managers if you want to try out other protocols

You will also need to follow the steps 'Let Git rewrite URL prefixes' listed here, if you have not done so already.: http://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/GitKdeOrgManual#Let_Git_rewrite_URL_prefixes


The prerequisite for all the Telepathy stuff to build is the TelepathyQt4 library. The source code for this is available here. Your distribution may package it, in which case you need version >= 0.5.17, using version >= 0.7 is recommended. Be careful not to confuse it with the telepathy-qt library which used to be in kdesupport SVN. This is *completely* different and in no way compatible.

If you are compiling Tp-Qt4 and get a warning about needing a newer glib, simply ignore it. Glib is only needed for some internal Tp-Qt4 tests.

If you are building your own copy of TelepathyQt4, clone the git repository linked above and use the usual cmake method to build and install it.

The parts ready for testing

Please fetch these, and file bugs on any required missing features or problems. Keep things realistic on the feature requests.

Telepathy Accounts KCM

The next thing to get set up is the Telepathy Accounts KCM. This is the UI for account management.

Source code is here.

git clone kde:telepathy-accounts-kcm

This can be compiled and installed by the usual KDE build procedure.

You will also want the plugins for this app, found at here.

git clone kde:telepathy-accounts-kcm-plugins

Contact List App

This application provides a traditional contact-list, similar to the one provided by Kopete. Code is in git here

git clone kde:telepathy-contact-list

Chat window App

This application provides a text chat window.

KDE Project Page

git clone kde:telepathy-chat-handler

The approver

This notifies you when an incoming message arrives and hangs in the system tray until you're ready to start a chat.

KDE Project Page

git clone kde:telepathy-approver

Presence Plasmoid and Dataengine

This shows the online-ness of your accounts and allows to bring accounts online/offline

KDE Project Page KDE Project Page

git clone kde:telepathy-presence-applet

git clone kde:telepathy-presence-dataengine

The bits that might work for you, but might not

These parts might work for you - it's worth installing but don't start filing bugs yet.


Not part of KDE Telepathy but needed to compile the call window app

git clone git://gitorious.org/qtgstreamer/qtgstreamer.git

(packages also available for ubuntu at https://launchpad.net/~gstreamer-developers/+archive/ppa)

Call window App

This application provides a voice/video chat window (optional). Code is in git here.

git clone kde:telepathy-call-ui

The other bits

Shared desktop ontologies

git clone git://oscaf.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/oscaf/shared-desktop-ontologies

KDE Telepathy library : libktelepathy

NOTE: git master probably won't compile.

Source code is here.

git clone kde:telepathy-kde

This can be compiled and installed by the usual KDE build procedure.

Integration Daemon / Nepomuk Service

NOTE: git master probably won't compile.

The Nepomuk service obsoletes the daemon and integrates Telepathy with Nepomuk, which is required by the Contact List application. Code is in git here

git clone kde:telepathy-nepomuk-service