Calligra/Meetings/Begin 2011 meeting/Minutes

From KDE Community Wiki


Some observations that could be good for the blog entry

  • This is apparently the biggest KOffice/Calligra meeting so far, 31 people registered
  • The KDAB office is awesome environment, we owe a lot to KDABians!


  • Chatting with Mani and Suresh about future of KoAbstraction (Jstaniek 16:34, 1 April 2011 (UTC))
    • We would proceed with simplifying the API even more, so eventually 200 lines of code is enough to have working application
    • We would deliver QWidget-based box capable to be used in Qt Designer
    • We would start to hide unused elements like dockers, use dumpObjectTree() on FreOffice (or similar app) the main window to see how many unnecessary widgets live in the background
    • How to make it easier to share custom applications, examples, demos without cluttering the calligra git repository? Maybe by creating or calligra-extras repository