How we work
All Solid projects operates in the same way, be sure to read How we work
BlueDevil is the codename for the project which aims to integrate the Bluetooth technology into KDE Frameworks and KDE Plasma Desktop. The project is composed of a few components each of them have they own roadmap and maintainer.
List of components since 1.0:
- KDE Bluetooth Agent: Alex Fiestas
- Send File: Alex Fiestas
- kio_obexftp: Alex Fiestas
- kio_bluetooth: Alex Fiestas
- Pairing Wizard: Alex Fiestas
- File receiving: Alex Fiestas
- Control Module: Rafael Fernandez Lopez
- System tray: Rafael Fernandez Lopez
Project Status
The version 1.0 considered as stable has been released and will receive updates as minor versions (1.0.1 will be the first).
The version 1.1 is under a heavy development the roadmap can be found here
Currently we're lacking a good End user documentation, help is needed.
How to collaborate
Bluedeivl is a KDE project, so we use the usual ways to communicate to each other, and to work together.
Project Page
Currently BlueDevil is under extragear/base KDE Project Page
Mailing list
We're using the kde-hardware-devel mailing list kde-hardware-devel
BlueDevil is composed by a set of components, some of them are debugged in a completely different way.
The kio's are the hardest part of bluedevil to debug:
- Execute kdebugdialog --fullmode
- Select kio_bluetooth or kio_obexftp
- In all 4 sections choose the "File" option, and introduce an output path (for example /home/youruser/kio_obexftp.txt
In case that the bug is reproducible in Konqueror and Dolphin, use the first is prefered.
Try to reproduce the bug only using the affected module. For example in case that the affected module were filetransfer, you should execute: kcmshell4 bluedevilfiletransfer
To get a complete list you can execute: kcmshell4 --list | grep bluedevil
Execute kdebugdialog, search "bluedevil" and activate everything. Then execute bluedevil-wizard in the terminal and provide the output.
Try to reproduce the bug step by step, restarting all bluedevil (in the KCM)
And finally, we're using, search twice before post a new bug. If a developer ask for feedback, and it is not provided within the following 30 days, the bug may be closed.
BlueDevil 1.1
The focus of 1.1 release will be add more Elegance into BlueDevil, for example by adding a better error hanlding, making things react as the user expect etc... There is not a release date for it, but can be expected somewhere close to KDE 4.6 release.
KDE Bluetooth Agent
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
DONE | Improvement | Support all Bluetooth pairing modes | <> |
DONE | Revision | Be sure that all the helpers work | <> |
File receiving
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
TODO | Improvement | Improve notifications | <> |
Pairing Wizard
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
TODO | Improvement | Use random 8 digit random PIN | <> |
TODO | Improvement | Detect when a device can introduce the PIN | <> |
TODO | Improvement | Support all Bluetooth pairing modes | <> |
Send File
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
TODO | Feature | Send files from dolphin | <> |
TODO | Feature | Add error handling around | <> |
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
TODO | Improvement | We need to have a better error handling, using the kio interface to report the errors | <> |
TODO | Improvement | Improve the overall stability | <> |
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
IN PROGRESS | Improvement | Show the configured devices first, and discover in the background | <> |
Control Module
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
TODO | Feature | Add a Connect button in configure devices (like systray has) | <> |
System tray
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
DONE | Improvement | Implement a better order in the systray options | <> |
DONE | Improvement | Show a overlay icon when a device is connected | <> |
DONE | Improvement | Add a tooltip | <> |
TODO | Improvement | Improve way to connect and disconnect services | <> |
TODO | Improvement | Global disconnect from device (all services and device itself) | <> |
BlueDevil 1.2
File Sharing
Status | Type | Description | Contact |
TODO | Feature | Be able to share folders and files | <> |
TODO | Feature | Add a KCM to configure/show the shared files | <> |
TODO | Feature | Indicate in dolphin part with an overlay icon the shared files/folders | <> |
TODO | Feature | Be able to share folders/files directly from dolphinpart | <> |