KDE Gear/24.02 Release notes: Difference between revisions

From KDE Community Wiki
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* libcompactdisc
* libcompactdisc
* kaccounts-integration
* kaccounts-integration
* libkexiv2

== Dependencies that need updated ==
== Dependencies that need updated ==

Revision as of 13:26, 7 November 2023

New tarballs

  • isoimagewriter
  • khealthcertificate

Tarballs that we do not ship anymore

  • kopete
  • print-manager (now released as part of Plasma)

Tarballs have switched from being Qt5 based to Qt6-based

  • TODO

Tarballs which are needed as Qt 5 and Qt 6 Builds

These projects provide supporting functions to KDE apps so to ensure Qt 5 based KDE apps continue to function distros should build them twice, once with Qt 5 and once with Qt 6.

  • kio-extras
  • audiocd-kio
  • kio-zeroconf
  • libkgapi still needs a Qt 5 version for kio-gdrive and a Qt 6 version for pim bits.
  • libkcddb needs a Qt 5 version for k3b and a Qt 6 version for kio-audiocd.
  • libcompactdisc
  • kaccounts-integration
  • libkexiv2

Dependencies that need updated

Many dependencies used by our apps now need newer versions due to the switch to Qt 6, distros will now need to build these for Qt 6.

  • KDE Frameworks 6 (distros should ship both KF5 and KF6 packages for app compatibility) - released alongside this
  • Plasma 6 - released alongside this
  • gpgme - use latest releast
  • qca - use latest release
  • packagekit-qt - use latest release
  • grantlee- KTextTemplate and part of KDE Frameworks 6
  • libaccounts-qt - use Git master
  • signond - use latest release
  • signon-plugin-oauth2 and signon-ui - use Git master
  • kweathercore - use latest release
  • libquotient - use latest release
  • kdsoap6 - use latest release
  • kdsoap-ws-discovery-client - use the static copy inside kio-extras, do not use external copies they have no ABI/API stability and files will overlap
  • qcoro - use latest release
  • futuresql - use latest release
  • kquickimageeditor - use latest release
  • qtkeychain - use latest release
  • pulseaudio-qt - use git master
  • libqaccessibilityclient - use latest release
  • polkit-qt - use git master
  • phonon and phonon-vlc - use latest release (note phonon-gstreamer should be dropped)
  • kuserfeedback - now part of KDE Frameworks