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Plasma/OxygenQmlControls: Difference between revisions

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(50 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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! Developer
! Developer

{{FeatureProjectTodo| ApplicationWindow | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ApplicationWindow |No background gradient | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| MenuBar | | }}
{{FeatureProjectDone| MenuBar | No dropdown menu Frame (https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/114271/ )|Martin G}}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| StatusBar | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| StatusBar | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ToolBar | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ToolBar | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| Action | | }}
{{FeatureProjectInProgress| ScrollView |  
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ScrollView | | }}
* https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73101
* [merged] Fix scrollview frame https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73102 |David}}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| SplitView | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| SplitView | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| StackView | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| StackView | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| TabView | https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,72813 | David | davidedmudsdon@kde.org}}
{{FeatureProjectInProgress| TabView | https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,72813 |davidedmudsdon@kde.org}}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| TableView | | }}
{{FeatureProjectInProgress| TableView | Selection highlight has no gradient + Scrollview bug|David}}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| Button | | }}
{{FeatureProjectInProgress| Button |No frame when an icon is set  - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73347| David }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| CheckBox | | }}
{{FeatureProjectDone| CheckBox | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ComboBox | | }}
{{FeatureProjectInProgress| ComboBox |
{{FeatureProjectTodo| GroupBox | | }}
* Missing Frame in Menu (oxygen bug) (https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/114271/ )
{{FeatureProjectTodo| Label | | }}
* [merged] Does not change values on mouse scroll - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73155
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ProgressBar | | }}
| Martin K}}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| RadioButton | | }}
{{FeatureProjectDone| GroupBox |https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/112329/ | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| Slider | | }}
{{FeatureProjectDone| Label | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| SpinBox | | }}
{{FeatureProjectDone| ProgressBar | [merged] indeterminate mode does not show busy animation (happens because Oxygen needs a QObject which is used for tracking the animated bar position; by default the *widget is used, which is NULL with QQC)
{{FeatureProjectTodo| TextArea | | }}
** https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/114537 | Martin K }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| TextField | | }}
{{FeatureProjectDone| RadioButton | | }}
{{FeatureProjectInProgress| Slider | * does not keep focus highlight after being clicked - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,74044 | Martin K }}
{{FeatureProjectDone| SpinBox |  
* [merged] Textbox slightly too large, overlaps  frame - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73087
** [merged] Related to windows vista style workaround - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73932
* Scrolling a wheel over it does not give it proper focus - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73079
** Probably won't get fixed, mixed opinions, mostly against it. However the bug the original patch tried to solve with full focus is now fixed
|Martin Klapetek}}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| TextArea |  
* Missing focus frame
* [merged] wrong text colors when disabled - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73094
* does not keep highlight when right-clicking highlighted text (makes copying text via context menu impossible)
* does not react to "horizontalAlignment" property change unless text selection is started
| }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| TextField |  
* [merged] Wrong frame width https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/112375/
* Padding is still slightly off (minor)
* [merged] Has no hover frame - https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/114295/
| }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ToolButton | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| ToolButton | | }}
{{FeatureProjectTodo| background | no drag to move window | }}
==Fixing Info==
In Oxygen most style methods take an optional parameter which is the widget to get hints for. From QtQuickControls this is a null pointer. Oxygen sometimes fails on this and returns different to the desktop implementation.
There is a Controls Style QML theme that, uses a private QtQuickControls library which talks to QStyle. Most relevant code is at:
Using QGuiApplication will cause styles not to load. Apps _must_ use QApplication
Upstream documentation

Latest revision as of 12:38, 1 April 2014

Oxygen QML Controls Status

Status Component Problems / Status Developer
TODO ApplicationWindow No background gradient
DONE MenuBar No dropdown menu Frame (https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/114271/ ) G <Martin G>
TODO StatusBar
TODO ToolBar
IN PROGRESS ScrollView <David>
TODO SplitView
TODO StackView
IN PROGRESS TabView https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,72813 <davidedmudsdon@kde.org>
IN PROGRESS TableView Selection highlight has no gradient + Scrollview bug <David>
IN PROGRESS Button No frame when an icon is set - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73347 [mailto: David < David >]
DONE CheckBox
IN PROGRESS ComboBox [mailto: Martin K < Martin K>]
DONE GroupBox https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/112329/
DONE Label
DONE ProgressBar [merged] indeterminate mode does not show busy animation (happens because Oxygen needs a QObject which is used for tracking the animated bar position; by default the *widget is used, which is NULL with QQC) [mailto: Martin K < Martin K >]
DONE RadioButton
IN PROGRESS Slider * does not keep focus highlight after being clicked - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,74044 [mailto: Martin K < Martin K >]
DONE SpinBox Klapetek <Martin Klapetek>
TODO TextArea
  • Missing focus frame
  • [merged] wrong text colors when disabled - https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,73094
  • does not keep highlight when right-clicking highlighted text (makes copying text via context menu impossible)
  • does not react to "horizontalAlignment" property change unless text selection is started
TODO TextField
TODO ToolButton
TODO background no drag to move window

Fixing Info

In Oxygen most style methods take an optional parameter which is the widget to get hints for. From QtQuickControls this is a null pointer. Oxygen sometimes fails on this and returns different to the desktop implementation.

There is a Controls Style QML theme that, uses a private QtQuickControls library which talks to QStyle. Most relevant code is at: src/controls/Private/qquickstyleitem.cpp

Using QGuiApplication will cause styles not to load. Apps _must_ use QApplication

Upstream documentation http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtquickcontrols/qtquickcontrols-index.html