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Schedules/KDE4/4.7 Feature Plan: Difference between revisions

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(53 intermediate revisions by 25 users not shown)
Line 27: Line 27:
! Contact  
! Contact  

|Number grouping support
|Number grouping support
Line 37: Line 37:
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}

|Week Numbers support
|Week Numbers support
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}
|For 4.7.1: Implement locking on non-NFS systems using O_EXCL. Good for VFAT, CFIS and other filesystems, as it makes KConfig work and thus many KDE Applications. Details in #203554. Conducted by KDAB and Intevation; funded by IT Services of ETH Zurich.
|faure@kde.org|David Faure}}

Line 71: Line 76:
|WebIDL usage
|WebIDL usage
|maksim@kde.org|Maksim Orlovich}}
|maksim@kde.org|Maksim Orlovich}}
|Accessibility improvements
|maksim@kde.org|Maksim Orlovich}}
|Query term class to query graph meta data
|trueg@kde.org|Sebastian Trueg}}
|Preconfigurable plasmoids
|dpalacio@orbitalibre.org|David Palacio}}

Line 88: Line 108:
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Polish the default user interface to minimize visual clutter (see http://ppenz.blogspot.com/2011/03/menu-bars.html)|peter.penz19@gmail.com|Peter Penz}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Polish the default user interface to minimize visual clutter (see http://ppenz.blogspot.com/2011/03/menu-bars.html)|peter.penz19@gmail.com|Peter Penz}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Improve user interface for searching files and metadata|peter.penz19@gmail.com|Peter Penz}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Improve user interface for searching files and metadata|peter.penz19@gmail.com|Peter Penz}}
{{FeatureTodo|Settings|Improve proxy configuration dialog|adawit@kde.org|Dawit Alemayehu}}

Line 99: Line 118:
|npruntime support improvements
|npruntime support improvements
|maksim@kde.org|Maksim Orlovich}}
|maksim@kde.org|Maksim Orlovich}}
|Popup menu for advanced queries on the metadata display
|trueg@kde.org|Sebastian Trueg}}

Line 118: Line 142:
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kio-upnp-ms|Merge from playground (https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/kio-upnp-ms/) into kde-runtime|nsm.nikhil@gmail.com|Nikhil Marathe}}
{{FeatureTodo|kio-upnp-ms|Merge from playground (https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/kio-upnp-ms/) into kde-runtime|nsm.nikhil@gmail.com|Nikhil Marathe}}
{{FeatureDone|network:/ kio-slave|port to Cagibi 0.2|kossebau@kde.org|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureDone|Nepomuk Datamanagement Service|Merge it into the master branch|handa.vish@gmail.com|Vishesh Handa & Sebastian Trueg}}
{{FeatureDone|Port Strigi Service to DMS|The Strigi Service needs to use the DMS API|handa.vish@gmail.com|Vishesh Handa & Sebastian Trueg}}
|KCM to manage the removable storages to index
|trueg@kde.org|Sebastian Trueg}}

Line 134: Line 167:
{{FeatureDone|System Settings/keyboard|Allow a shortcut per keyboard layout (bug 224489)|arysin@mail.com|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|System Settings/keyboard|Allow a shortcut per keyboard layout (bug 224489)|arysin@mail.com|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|System Settings/keyboard|Session management for keyboard layouts (bug 52095, 174948)|arysin@mail.com|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|System Settings/keyboard|Session management for keyboard layouts (bug 52095, 174948)|arysin@mail.com|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|klipper|Support qrcode as well as datamatrix for mobile barcodes|sune@vuorela.dk|Sune Vuorela}}
{{FeatureDone|weather|Support debian weather|sune@vuorela.dk|Sune Vuorela}}
{{FeatureDone|Oxygen|Various widgets polishing (scrollbars, progressbars, sliders, toolbuttons, menu and menubar selection, etc.)|hugo@oxygen-icons.org|Hugo Pereira Da Costa}}
{{FeatureDone|Oxygen|Implement kwin's new shadow system for menus, drop-downlists, etc.|hugo@oxygen-icons.org|Hugo Pereira Da Costa}}

Line 145: Line 182:
|launch krunner when the user starts typing
|launch krunner when the user starts typing
|vitorboschi@gmail.com|Vitor Boschi}}
|vitorboschi@gmail.com|Vitor Boschi}}
{{FeatureTodo|Quicklaunch Applet|Port to QML|ingomar@wesp.name|Ingomar Wesp}}

Line 157: Line 193:
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | KWin
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | KWin
{{FeatureDone|Compositor|OpenGL 2.x/OpenGL ES 2.0 compositing backend (see http://www.kdenews.org/2011/02/18/kwin-embraces-new-platforms-opengl-es-20-support)|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Compositor|OpenGL 2.x/OpenGL ES 2.0 compositing backend (see http://www.kdenews.org/2011/02/18/kwin-embraces-new-platforms-opengl-es-20-support)|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Compositor|New Shadow System (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/03/new-kwin-shadows/)|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Compositor|New Shadow System (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/03/new-kwin-shadows/)|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Effects|Effect to render outlines|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Decorations|Do not require a decoration|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Core|Export most recently used windows to an X property|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|BoxSwitch Effect|Animated Selection (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/02/is-kwin-rocket-science/)|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|BoxSwitch Effect|Animated Selection (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/02/is-kwin-rocket-science/)|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libkwineffects|API cleanup|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libkwineffects|API cleanup|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureTodo|libkwineffects|JavaScript bindings for writing Effects|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureTodo|libkwineffects|JavaScript bindings for writing Effects|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Mouse Emulation|Better accessibility support in mouse emulation|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Mouse Emulation|Better accessibility support in mouse emulation|mgraesslin@kde.org|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwin|Add multi head support|alberto@mattea.info|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureDone|kwin|Add multi head support|alberto@mattea.info|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwin|DBusMenu in Windeco|megabigbug@yahoo.fr|Lionel Chauvin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwin|DBusMenu in Windeco|megabigbug@yahoo.fr|Lionel Chauvin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|ksplashx|Add multi head support|alberto@mattea.info|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureDone|ksplashx|Add multi head support|alberto@mattea.info|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureTodo|krunner|Add multi head support|alberto@mattea.info|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureTodo|krunner|Add multi head support|alberto@mattea.info|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwinrules kcm|UI cleanup (see https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101041/)|thomas.luebking@gmail.com|Thomas Lübking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwinrules kcm|UI cleanup (see https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101041/)|thomas.luebking@gmail.com|Thomas Lübking}}
Line 170: Line 209:
{{FeatureInProgress|PresentWindows Effect|Better highlight indication & close button handling)|thomas.luebking@gmail.com|Thomas Lübking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|PresentWindows Effect|Better highlight indication & close button handling)|thomas.luebking@gmail.com|Thomas Lübking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|general|Remove jargon from user interface.  Remove all instances of Akonadi/Nepomuk related jargon from the desktop, replace with meaningful text where needed.|wstephenson@kde.org|Will Stephenson}}
{{FeatureInProgress|general|Remove jargon from user interface.  Remove all instances of Akonadi/Nepomuk related jargon from the desktop, replace with meaningful text where needed.|wstephenson@kde.org|Will Stephenson}}
{{FeatureDone|klipper|Support qrcode as well as datamatrix for mobile barcodes|sune@vuorela.dk|Sune Vuorela}}
{{FeatureTodo|weather|Support debian weather|sune@vuorela.dk|Sune Vuorela}}

Line 185: Line 222:
! Contact  
! Contact  
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Bookmark Manager|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser, Thibaut Gridel}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Bookmark Manager|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser, Thibaut Gridel}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Extended QML Bindings|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|QML Bindings: GPS Tracking|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Routing API|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Offline Address Search|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Offline Address Search|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Support monav version 0.3|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Support monav version 0.3|earthwings@gentoo.org|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Polish the Map Wizard: simpler UI, comprehensive validation of user input immediately on each page|bbeschow@cs.tu-berlin.de|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Reduce memory footprint of cached tiles|bbeschow@cs.tu-berlin.de|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Reduce memory footprint of cached tiles|bbeschow@cs.tu-berlin.de|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Separate thread for tile loading and texture blending (not texture mapping at the moment) for more smooth browsing|jmho@c-xx.com|Jens-Michael Hoffmann, Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Separate thread for tile loading and texture blending (not texture mapping at the moment) for more smooth browsing|jmho@c-xx.com|Jens-Michael Hoffmann, Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Tile loading "read ahead" when idle, prerequisite: threaded tile loading|jmho@c-xx.com|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Tile loading "read ahead" when idle, prerequisite: threaded tile loading|jmho@c-xx.com|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Multi threaded texture mapping|jmho@c-xx.com|Jens-Michael Hoffmann, Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Multi threaded texture mapping|bbeschow@cs.tu-berlin.de|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Implement mouse cursor wrapping a la Okular or Gwenview|bbeschow@cs.tu-berlin.de|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Manipulate Gps track data|tgridel@freedotfr|Thibaut Gridel}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Manipulate Gps track data|tgridel@freedotfr|Thibaut Gridel}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Cantor|Integrate the Qalculate backend|agostinelli@gmail.com|Matteo Agostinelli}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Cantor|Integrate the Qalculate backend|agostinelli@gmail.com|Matteo Agostinelli}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kalzium|Use KUnitConversion for all the Unit handling|etienne.rebetez@oberwallisch|Etienne Rebetez}}
{{FeatureDone|Kalzium|Use KUnitConversion for all the Unit handling|etienne.rebetez@oberwallisch|Etienne Rebetez}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTurtle|Add getdirection command
{{FeatureDone|KTurtle|Add getdirection command
|nielsslot@gmaildotcom|Niels Slot}}
|nielsslot@gmaildotcom|Niels Slot}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTurtle|Add modulo command
{{FeatureTodo|KTurtle|Add modulo command
|nielsslot@gmaildotcom|Niels Slot}}
|nielsslot@gmaildotcom|Niels Slot}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Step|Copy-and-Paste of items|kde@voecking.net|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureDone|Step|Copy-and-Paste of items|kde@voecking.net|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureTodo|Step|Zoom on mouse wheel|kde@voecking.net|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureDone|Step|Zoom on mouse wheel|kde@voecking.net|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureTodo|Step|Automatic expanding canvas|kde@voecking.net|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureDone|Step|Automatic expanding canvas|kde@voecking.net|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Auto - Handling of the Canvas|tcanabrava@kde.org|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Auto - Handling of the Canvas|tcanabrava@kde.org|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Remove the thread for QtConcurrent on he core|tcanabrava@kde.org|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Remove the thread for QtConcurrent on he core|tcanabrava@kde.org|Tomaz Canabrava}}
Line 211: Line 249:
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Kalgebra backend|tcanabrava@kde.org|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Kalgebra backend|tcanabrava@kde.org|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Transform graph edges plugin|cola@uni-paderborn.de|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Transform graph edges plugin|cola@uni-paderborn.de|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Assign values to edges/nodes plugin|cola@uni-paderborn.de|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Assign values to edges/nodes plugin|cola@uni-paderborn.de|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kalzium|Titration calculator|TRINGALINVENT@libero.it|Luca Tringali}}
{{FeatureDone|Kalzium|Titration calculator|TRINGALINVENT@libero.it|Luca Tringali}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KStars|SQLite Database of NGC Objects|victor.carbune@kdemail.net|Victor Carbune|}}
Line 227: Line 266:

{{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Port to Akonadi|djarvie@kde.org|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Port to Akonadi|djarvie@kde.org|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Allow reminders after the main alarm|djarvie@kde.org|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureDone|KAlarm|Allow reminders after the main alarm|djarvie@kde.org|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Provide wake-from-suspend option for alarms|djarvie@kde.org|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureDone|KAlarm|Provide wake-from-suspend option for alarms|djarvie@kde.org|David Jarvie}}

Line 235: Line 274:
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}
|john@layt.net|John Layt}}

{{FeatureInProgress|Akonadi-contacts/kaddressbook|Show 2d barcodes of contact data|sune@vuorela.dk|Sune Vuorela}}
{{FeatureDone|Akonadi-contacts/kaddressbook|Show 2d barcodes of contact data|sune@vuorela.dk|Sune Vuorela}}

Line 254: Line 290:
{{FeatureInProgress|Comic Plasmoid|Support random comic strips|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Comic Plasmoid|Support random comic strips|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureDone|Comic Plasmoid|Support creation of comic Comic Book Archive files|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureDone|Comic Plasmoid|Support creation of comic Comic Book Archive files|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Comic Plasmoid|Highlight comics that have a new comic strip|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureDone|Comic Plasmoid|Highlight comics that have a new comic strip|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureTodo|Events Runner|Support parsing weekdays (e.g. "in next monday"|alexey.noskov@gmail.com|Alexey Noskov}}
{{FeatureTodo|Events Runner|Support parsing weekdays (e.g. "in next monday"|alexey.noskov@gmail.com|Alexey Noskov}}
Line 296: Line 332:
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Properly support strings (various Unicode encodings) in structures tool|alex.richardson@gmx.de|Alex Richardson}}  
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Properly support strings (various Unicode encodings) in structures tool|alex.richardson@gmx.de|Alex Richardson}}  
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add custom datatypes to structures tool|alex.richardson@gmx.de|Alex Richardson}}  
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add custom datatypes to structures tool|alex.richardson@gmx.de|Alex Richardson}}  
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Add tool to convert between char encodings|kossebau@kde.org|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello|QDockWidget based interface|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}  
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello|QDockWidget based interface|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}  
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello|KDE4 icon theme and eye candies|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello|KDE4 icon theme and eye candies|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureTodo|Umbrello|Replace the current code viewer with katepart|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}  
{{FeatureTodo|Umbrello|Replace the current code viewer with katepart|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}  
{{FeatureDone|Umbrello|Add a zoom widget in the statusbar|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureDone|Umbrello|Add a zoom widget in the statusbar|elv1313@gmail.com|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kate|Add a new search in files plugin|kare.sars@iki.fi|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Add a new search in files plugin|kare.sars@iki.fi|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
Line 315: Line 352:
{{FeatureInProgress|KBreakout|Load levelset option + 2 new levelsets|julian.helfferich@gmail.com|Julian Helfferich}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KBreakout|Load levelset option + 2 new levelsets|julian.helfferich@gmail.com|Julian Helfferich}}
{{FeatureTodo|KBreakout|Port to QGraphicsView|julian.helfferich@gmail.com|Julian Helfferich}}
{{FeatureTodo|KBreakout|Port to QGraphicsView|julian.helfferich@gmail.com|Julian Helfferich}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KPat|Create new saved game format that stores undo/redo history|parker.coates@gmail.com|Parker Coates}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libtagaro|Move first version into the kdegames module|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libtagaro|Move first version into the kdegames module|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|libtagaro|Use the new library: at least in Granatier and Kolf (to replace existing static source copies) and KDiamond|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|libtagaro|Use the new library: at least in Granatier and Kolf (to replace existing static source copies) and KDiamond|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Palapeli|Cleanup interface|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Palapeli|Cleanup interface|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureDone|Palapeli|Reduce memory consumption for big puzzles|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureDone|Palapeli|Reduce memory consumption for big puzzles|majewsky@gmx.net|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureInProgress|all games|Add useful fullscreen mode + option to switch between fullscreen/window|kossebau@kde.org|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}

Line 331: Line 370:
! Description  
! Description  
! Contact  
! Contact  
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Working Mms plugin|eortiz@uci.cu|Ernesto Rodriguez Ortiz}}
{{FeatureDone|KGet|Working Mms plugin|eortiz@uci.cu|Ernesto Rodriguez Ortiz}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Support for connection limit to servers|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Support for connection limit to servers|mat69@gmx.net|Matthias Fuchs}}
Line 347: Line 386:
{{FeatureInProgress|Okular|Directory support in Comic Book Generator|dpalacio@orbitalibre.org|David Palacio}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okular|Directory support in Comic Book Generator|dpalacio@orbitalibre.org|David Palacio}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okular|7zip support in Comic Book Generator|dpalacio@orbitalibre.org|David Palacio}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okular|7zip support in Comic Book Generator|dpalacio@orbitalibre.org|David Palacio}}
{{FeatureTodo|libksane|Enable gui less operation|kare.sars@iki.fi|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureDone|libksane|Enable gui less operation|kare.sars@iki.fi|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureTodo|libksane|Add a way to get scanner device list|kare.sars@iki.fi|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureDone|libksane|Add a way to get scanner device list|kare.sars@iki.fi|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Gwenview|Compare mode|agateau@kde.org|Aurélien Gâteau}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Gwenview|Compare mode|agateau@kde.org|Aurélien Gâteau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Gwenview|Merge "Semantic Information" and "Meta Information" sidebar groups|agateau@kde.org|Aurélien Gâteau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Gwenview|Merge "Semantic Information" and "Meta Information" sidebar groups|agateau@kde.org|Aurélien Gâteau}}

Latest revision as of 20:39, 31 October 2011

This is a list of planned features for the SC 4.7 release.

See also:


  • todo => not started yet
  • in-progress => started, but not completed yet
  • done => completed


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KLocale Number grouping support

DONE KLocale Narrow date name format support

DONE KLocale Week Numbers support

DONE kdecore/io/klockfile For 4.7.1: Implement locking on non-NFS systems using O_EXCL. Good for VFAT, CFIS and other filesystems, as it makes KConfig work and thus many KDE Applications. Details in #203554. Conducted by KDAB and Intevation; funded by IT Services of ETH Zurich.

IN PROGRESS KLocale Windows Backend

IN PROGRESS kdeui New date/time edit widgets from kdepim

IN PROGRESS KHelpMenu Fast action searching

IN PROGRESS KFilePlaces Activity-specific Places

IN PROGRESS KCookieJar Storing cookies in KWallet


TO DO KHTML Accessibility improvements Maksim Orlovich <maksim@kde.org>

TO DO Nepomuk Query term class to query graph meta data Sebastian Trueg <trueg@kde.org>

TO DO Plasma Preconfigurable plasmoids David Palacio <dpalacio@orbitalibre.org>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO Dolphin Support Fwd/Back Mouse Buttons Sebastian Dörner <sebastian@sebastian-doerner.de>
DONE Dolphin Polish the default user interface to minimize visual clutter (see http://ppenz.blogspot.com/2011/03/menu-bars.html)
DONE Dolphin Improve user interface for searching files and metadata

IN PROGRESS Locale KCM Support for Number Grouping, Windows Backend, Country Subdivsions

IN PROGRESS nspluginviewer npruntime support improvements

TO DO Dolphin Popup menu for advanced queries on the metadata display Sebastian Trueg <trueg@kde.org>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS kio_sftp async download support
IN PROGRESS Locale definition files Migrate Country and Currency Codes to xml/po formats, re-arrange l10n files including settings and flags, add Subdivision code files.

TO DO kio-upnp-ms Merge from playground (https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/kio-upnp-ms/) into kde-runtime Nikhil Marathe <nsm.nikhil@gmail.com>
DONE network:/ kio-slave port to Cagibi 0.2
DONE Nepomuk Datamanagement Service Merge it into the master branch
DONE Port Strigi Service to DMS The Strigi Service needs to use the DMS API

DONE Nepomuk KCM to manage the removable storages to index


Status Project Description Contact
DONE System Settings/keyboard Allow a shortcut per keyboard layout (bug 224489)
DONE System Settings/keyboard Session management for keyboard layouts (bug 52095, 174948)
DONE klipper Support qrcode as well as datamatrix for mobile barcodes
DONE weather Support debian weather
DONE Oxygen Various widgets polishing (scrollbars, progressbars, sliders, toolbuttons, menu and menubar selection, etc.)
DONE Oxygen Implement kwin's new shadow system for menus, drop-downlists, etc.
IN PROGRESS Plasma Clock/Calendar improve usability, settings, akonadi and holiday data. See Plasma wiki.

DONE Plasma Desktop launch krunner when the user starts typing

DONE KDM GRUB2 support for KDM (see http://ksmanis.wordpress.com/2011/04/21/hello-planet-and-grub2-support-for-kdm/)

DONE Compositor OpenGL 2.x/OpenGL ES 2.0 compositing backend (see http://www.kdenews.org/2011/02/18/kwin-embraces-new-platforms-opengl-es-20-support)
DONE Compositor New Shadow System (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/03/new-kwin-shadows/)
DONE Effects Effect to render outlines
DONE Decorations Do not require a decoration
IN PROGRESS Core Export most recently used windows to an X property
IN PROGRESS BoxSwitch Effect Animated Selection (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/02/is-kwin-rocket-science/)
IN PROGRESS libkwineffects API cleanup
TO DO libkwineffects JavaScript bindings for writing Effects Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
IN PROGRESS Mouse Emulation Better accessibility support in mouse emulation
DONE kwin Add multi head support
IN PROGRESS kwin DBusMenu in Windeco
DONE ksplashx Add multi head support
TO DO krunner Add multi head support Alberto Mattea <alberto@mattea.info>
IN PROGRESS kwinrules kcm UI cleanup (see https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101041/)
IN PROGRESS kwincompositing kcm Rearm unsafe OpenGL precheck (see https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101061/)
IN PROGRESS PresentWindows Effect Better highlight indication & close button handling)
IN PROGRESS general Remove jargon from user interface. Remove all instances of Akonadi/Nepomuk related jargon from the desktop, replace with meaningful text where needed.


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Marble Bookmark Manager
DONE Marble QML Bindings: GPS Tracking
DONE Marble Offline Address Search
DONE Marble Support monav version 0.3
DONE Marble Polish the Map Wizard: simpler UI, comprehensive validation of user input immediately on each page
IN PROGRESS Marble Reduce memory footprint of cached tiles
TO DO Marble Separate thread for tile loading and texture blending (not texture mapping at the moment) for more smooth browsing Jens-Michael Hoffmann, Bernhard Beschow <jmho@c-xx.com>
TO DO Marble Tile loading "read ahead" when idle, prerequisite: threaded tile loading Jens-Michael Hoffmann <jmho@c-xx.com>
DONE Marble Multi threaded texture mapping
TO DO Marble Implement mouse cursor wrapping a la Okular or Gwenview Bernhard Beschow <bbeschow@cs.tu-berlin.de>
IN PROGRESS Marble Manipulate Gps track data
IN PROGRESS Cantor Integrate the Qalculate backend
DONE Kalzium Use KUnitConversion for all the Unit handling
DONE KTurtle Add getdirection command

TO DO KTurtle Add modulo command Niels Slot <nielsslot@gmaildotcom>
DONE Step Copy-and-Paste of items
DONE Step Zoom on mouse wheel
DONE Step Automatic expanding canvas
IN PROGRESS Rocs Auto - Handling of the Canvas
DONE Rocs Remove the thread for QtConcurrent on he core
IN PROGRESS Rocs Polish the User Interface
DONE Rocs New Plugin for Automaticaly Graph Generation
IN PROGRESS Rocs Bugfixes in the List Plugin
IN PROGRESS Rocs Speedup in the drawing code
IN PROGRESS Rocs Kalgebra backend
DONE Rocs Transform graph edges plugin
DONE Rocs Assign values to edges/nodes plugin
DONE Kalzium Titration calculator
IN PROGRESS KStars SQLite Database of NGC Objects


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS KAlarm Port to Akonadi
DONE KAlarm Allow reminders after the main alarm
DONE KAlarm Provide wake-from-suspend option for alarms

IN PROGRESS KHolidays Add support for Holiday Types and Observance Types

DONE Akonadi-contacts/kaddressbook Show 2d barcodes of contact data


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Adjustable Clock Plasmoid for displaying date and time in very customizable way
IN PROGRESS Comic Plasmoid Support random comic strips
DONE Comic Plasmoid Support creation of comic Comic Book Archive files
DONE Comic Plasmoid Highlight comics that have a new comic strip
TO DO Events Runner Support parsing weekdays (e.g. "in next monday" Alexey Noskov <alexey.noskov@gmail.com>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KTeaTime Port to KStatusNotifierItem
IN PROGRESS KTeaTime New svg based status icons
IN PROGRESS KTeaTime Support categories
TO DO KTeaTime Improved command line Stefan Böhmann <kde@hilefoks.org>
TO DO KTeaTime Tea runner Stefan Böhmann <kde@hilefoks.org>
TO DO KTeaTime Port to KConfigXT Stefan Böhmann <kde@hilefoks.org>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Lokalize Remote translation memories
IN PROGRESS Lokalize QA: translation checks against user-specified regex-based rules
TO DO Lokalize Integrate snowball stemmer for glossary Nick Shaforostoff <shafff@NOSPAMukr.net>
TO DO Lokalize Continue implementing XLIFF spec Nick Shaforostoff <shafff@NOSPAMukr.net>
TO DO Lokalize Segmentation [editing] functionality Nick Shaforostoff <shafff@NOSPAMukr.net >
TO DO Lokalize Integrate with nepomuk (fast stats retrieval, tag cloud - incl sharing!) Nick Shaforostoff <shafff@NOSPAMukr.net>
TO DO Lokalize loading compressed files and then saving them back in the original compression format (bug 65518) Nick Shaforostoff <shafff@NOSPAMukr.net>
IN PROGRESS Okteta Properly support strings (various Unicode encodings) in structures tool
TO DO Okteta Add custom datatypes to structures tool Alex Richardson <alex.richardson@gmx.de>
IN PROGRESS Okteta Add tool to convert between char encodings
IN PROGRESS Umbrello QDockWidget based interface
IN PROGRESS Umbrello KDE4 icon theme and eye candies
TO DO Umbrello Replace the current code viewer with katepart Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com>
DONE Umbrello Add a zoom widget in the statusbar
DONE Kate Add a new search in files plugin


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS KBreakout Level editor
IN PROGRESS KBreakout Load levelset option + 2 new levelsets
TO DO KBreakout Port to QGraphicsView Julian Helfferich <julian.helfferich@gmail.com>
IN PROGRESS KPat Create new saved game format that stores undo/redo history
IN PROGRESS libtagaro Move first version into the kdegames module
TO DO libtagaro Use the new library: at least in Granatier and Kolf (to replace existing static source copies) and KDiamond Stefan Majewsky <majewsky@gmx.net>
IN PROGRESS Palapeli Cleanup interface
DONE Palapeli Reduce memory consumption for big puzzles
IN PROGRESS all games Add useful fullscreen mode + option to switch between fullscreen/window


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KGet Working Mms plugin
IN PROGRESS KGet Support for connection limit to servers


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Okular Directory support in Comic Book Generator
IN PROGRESS Okular 7zip support in Comic Book Generator
DONE libksane Enable gui less operation
DONE libksane Add a way to get scanner device list
IN PROGRESS Gwenview Compare mode
TO DO Gwenview Merge "Semantic Information" and "Meta Information" sidebar groups Aurélien Gâteau <agateau@kde.org>