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Frameworks/List: Difference between revisions

From KDE Community Wiki
Kevin (talk | contribs)
Update tier of ki18n
Jriddell (talk | contribs)
moved to api.kde.org
(19 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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For a diagram view, see http://agateau.com/tmp/kf5
Please see http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/
The list below is work in progress. Application developers: don't worry. People are working on all of the Frameworks. "TBD" just means that no single person has been identified as the lead maintainer yet.
{| class="sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border: gray solid 1px; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width:100%;"
|- style="background: #ececec; white-space:nowrap;"
! width=100 | Name
! width=100 | Features
! align="center" | Tier
! align="center" | Type
! width=200 | Platforms
! width=200 | Maintainer
| KItemModels
| Models for Qt Model/View system
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| KItemViews
| Widget addons for Qt Model/View
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| David Edmundson
| KArchive
| File compression
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| David Faure
| KCodecs
| Text encoding
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| KConfig
| Configuration system
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Matthew Dawson
| KCoreAddons
| Addons to QtCore
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Michael Pyne (if no one else volunteers)
| KDBusAddons
| Addons to QtDBus
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| David Faure
| KF5Umbrella
| CMake help to use KDE Frameworks
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All CMake supported platforms
| KGlobalAccel
| Add support for global workspace shortcuts
| Tier 1
| Integration
| KDE Workspace
| Martin Gräßlin
| KGuiAddons
| Addons to QtGui
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| KIdleTime
| Monitoring user activity
| Tier 1
| Integration
| ??
| KImageFormats
| Addons to QtImageFormats
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Alex Merry
| Support for JS scripting in applications
| Tier 1
| Functional
| All platforms
| Bernd Buschinski
| KPlotting
| Lightweight plotting framework
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Christoph Feck
| KWidgetsAddons
| Addons to QtWidgets
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Christoph Feck
| KWindowSystem
| Integration with X11 and window managers
| Tier 1
| Integration
| X11, Windows (incomplete) and Mac OS (incomplete)
| Martin Gräßlin
| Solid
| Hardware integration and detection
| Tier 1
| Integration
| ??
| Alex Fiestas
| Sonnet
| Support for spellchecking
| Tier 1
| Solution
| All Qt supported platforms
| Martin Sandsmark
| ThreadWeaver
| High-level multithreading framework
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Mirko Boehm
| Abstraction to system DNSSD features
| Tier 2
| Integration
| ??
| Matthew Dawson
| KAuth
| Abstraction to system policy and authentication features
| Tier 2
| Integration
| ??
| KCompletion
| Widgets with advanced auto-completion features
| Tier 2
| Addon
| ??
| David Gil
| KCrash
| Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
| Tier 2
| Integration
| Unix (and Windows, to be retested)
| David Faure (on Unix)
| KDocTools
| Documentation generation from docbook
| Tier 2
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Luigi Toscano
| KI18n
| Advanced internationalization framework
| Tier 1
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| Chusslove Illich
| KJobWidgets
| Widgets for tracking KJob instances (provided by KCoreAddons)
| Tier 2
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms
| KNotifications
| Abstraction for system notifications
| Tier 2
| Solution
| ??
| Martin Klapetek
| KWallet
| Secure and unified container for user passwords
| Tier 3
| Solution
| All Qt supported platforms. GPG backend only available with KDE runtime.
| Valentin Rusu
| KBookmarks
| Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
| Tier 3
| Addon
| ??
| KCMUtils
| Extra API to write KConfigModules
| Tier 3
| Addon
| ??
| KConfigWidgets
| Extra widgets for easier configuration support
| Tier 3
| Addon
| ??
| KDeclarative
| Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
| Tier 3
| Addon
| All Qt supported platforms. The supported remote Urls depends from what runtime kio slaves plugins are installed.
| Marco Martin
| Extensible deamon for providing system level services
| Tier 3
| Solution
| ??
| Àlex Fiestas
| Integration with su for elevated privileges
| Tier 3
| ??
| ??
| KDEWebKit
| KDE Integration for QtWebKit
| Tier 3
| Integration
| ??
| KDesignerPlugin
| Integration of our widgets in Qt Designer/Creator
| Tier 3
| ??
| ??
| Alex Merry
| KEmoticons
| Support for emoticons and emoticons themes
| Tier 3
| ??
| ??
| KIconThemes
| Support for icon themes
| Tier 3
| Integration
| ??
| Christoph Feck
| KInit
| process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications
| Tier 3
| Solution
| ??
| David Faure
| Resource and network access abstraction
| Tier 3
| Solution
| ??
| David Faure
| KJsEmbed
| Embedded JS
| Tier 3
| Addon
| ??
| Bernd Buschinski
| KMediaPlayer
| Plugin interface for media player features
| Tier 3
| ??
| ??
| Alex Merry
| KNewStuff
| Support for downloading application assets from the network
| Tier 3
| ??
| ??
| Jeremy Whiting
| KNotifyConfig
| Configuration system for KNotify
| Tier 3
| ??
| ??
| David Edmundson
| KParts
| Document centric plugin system
| Tier 3
| Solution
| ??
| David Faure
| KPrintUtils
| Extra features for QtPrintSupport
| Tier 3
| Addon
| ??
| John Layt
| KPty
| Pty abstraction
| Tier 3
| ??
| ??
| Kross
| Multi-language application scripting
| Tier 3
| Solution
| ??
| KService
| Advanced plugin and service introspection
| Tier 3
| Solution
| ??
| David Faure
| KTextEditor
| Advanced embeddable text editor
| Tier 3
| Solution
| All Qt supported platforms
| Christoph Cullmann
| KTextWidgets
| Advanced text editing widgets
| Tier 3
| Addon
| ??
| Laurent Montel
| KUnitConversion
| Support for unit conversion
| Tier 3
| Addon
| ??
| John Layt if original author Petri Damstén doesn't take it.
| XmlGui
| User configurable main windows
| Tier 3
| Solution
| ??
| ApiDox
| API documentation generation and assets for frameworks
| Tier 4
| N/A
| ??
| Aurélien Gâteau
| FrameworkIntegration
| Workspace and cross-framework integration plugins
| Tier 4
| N/A
| ??
| Àlex Fiestas
| KDE4Support
| Porting aid from KDELibs4
| Tier 4
| N/A
| ??
| KFileAudioPreview
| Plugin interface for audio previews
| Tier 4
| N/A
| ??
| KHtml
| Tier 4
| Solution
| All Qt supported platforms
| Martin Sandsmark
| Plasma
| Plugin based UI runtime used to write primary user interfaces
| Tier 3
| library: All Qt supported platforms. Runtime part: Linux X11,Wayland
| Marco Martin, Sebastian Kuegler
| KActivities
| Runtime and library to organize the user work in separate activities
| Tier 3
| All Qt supported platforms with a working DBus runtime.
| Ivan Čukić

Latest revision as of 15:14, 13 May 2014